Watch Parts Supplies

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Watch Parts Supplies


  • Be a source of (something needed)
  • (supply) offering goods and services for sale
  • Make (something needed or wanted) available to someone; provide
  • Provide (someone) with something needed or wanted
  • (supply) an amount of something available for use
  • (supply) give something useful or necessary to; “We provided the room with an electrical heater”


  • Keep under careful or protective observation
  • look attentively; “watch a basketball game”
  • Secretly follow or spy on
  • Look at or observe attentively, typically over a period of time
  • a small portable timepiece
  • a period of time (4 or 2 hours) during which some of a ship’s crew are on duty


  • (of two things) Move away from each other
  • Divide to leave a central space
  • Cause to divide or move apart, leaving a central space
  • the local environment; “he hasn’t been seen around these parts in years”
  • (part) something determined in relation to something that includes it; “he wanted to feel a part of something bigger than himself”; “I read a portion of the manuscript”; “the smaller component is hard to reach”; “the animal constituent of plankton”
  • (part) separate: go one’s own way; move apart; “The friends separated after the party”

watch parts supplies

Tradeguild brooch

Tradeguild brooch
Some things will always be – death, taxes… and commerce. Even in the most desolate, brutal, post-apocalyptic waste of a wasteland, trade will continue. Supplies will be bartered for, goods will be traded, people will want stuff. As old as religion and just as revered, retail continues.

Presenting the Ensignia of a Trade Guild, Cash Office Division, Grade 4. Watch gears and springs on a very unusual plate, accented with antiqued gold jump rings and Chinese coin charms. The metal tags behind the coins give them a sweet jingling sound. The pin is about 1 3/4" wide and 2 1/4" long. It has a locking pinback.


Best "junk" I was ever given…I literally saved it from being thrown in the trash. I actually have it working again with the proper weight and chains